Image for Leader, Mouthrinse, Blue Mint, 500 ml from CEDAR VALLEY PHARMACY
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    Leader, Mouthrinse, Blue Mint, 500 ml

    ($0.01 / ml)

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    Product Description

    Product Details
    Other Information: Cold weather may cloud this products. Its antiseptic properties are not affected. Store at room temperature (59 degrees F - 77 Degrees F). Antiseptic. Antigingivitis/Antiplaque. Kills germs that cause: Bad breath plaque gingivitis gum disease. Compare to listerine cool mint active ingredients (This product is manufactured or distributed by Johnson & Johnson healthcare Products, owner of the registered trademark listerine cool mint). Sealed with printed neckband for your protection . 100% money back guarantee. Return to place of purchase if not satisfied.

    Uses: Helps control plaque that leads to gingivitis.

    Directions: Adults and Children 12 Years of Age and Older:: Vigorously swish 20 ml (2/3 fl oz or 4 teaspoonfuls) between teeth for 30 seconds then spit out; do not swallow. Children Under 12 Years of Age:: Consult a dentist or doctor.

    Active Ingredients: Eucalyptol (0.092 %), Antigingivitis, Antiplaque; Methyl Salicylate (0.060 %), Antigingivitis, Antiplaque; Thymol (0.064 %), Antigingivitis, Antiplaque. Inactive Ingredients: Water, Alcohol 21.6%, Sorbitol Solution, Flavor, Poloxamer 407, Benzoic Acid, Sodium Saccharin, Sodium Benzoate, FD&C Green No. 3.


    Drug Interactions

    • BRAND: Leader
    • SIZE: 500 ml
    • STRENGTH: .064-.092-.06-.042%
    • FLAVOR: Blue Mint